Reviving Tradition: Lai Yard by Jaco Pan

A Modern Take on Traditional Courtyard Architecture

In the heart of the city, a historic house stands as a testament to the past, now reimagined as a contemporary space for meditation and learning. The Lai Yard, designed by Jaco Pan, is a unique blend of old and new, tradition and innovation.

Named after the term 'Lai', which signifies a journey from the traditional to the contemporary, the Lai Yard is a modern architectural marvel set within a traditional courtyard. The design, which is both introverted and lively, stands in stark contrast to its surroundings, silently observing the passage of time from its location near the ancient city wall. The building, listed for protection and repair, is a symbol of the city's rich history and cultural heritage.

The Lai Yard is not just a building, but a space for contemplation and learning. The architect's vision was to create a disorganized order, a place that could serve as a meditation space or a classroom. The result is a structure that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, a testament to the power of design to transform spaces and experiences.

The building's unique properties lie in its juxtaposition of old and new. On the north of the original house, two pseudo-classic architectures were built, creating three enclosed open courtyards. The entrance, unsophisticated and narrow, requires people to bow to cross, rising into a bright, open space. The interweaving of trees and buildings creates a silhouette that is both striking and serene.

The Lai Yard was constructed using steel plates, brick, plaster, and wood plates. Despite the challenges posed by the original conditions of the archaistic Lai Yard, the design team was able to create a space that reflects the memory and desire of people in the present time and space for tradition. The building, located on Heritage Avenue in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, serves as an office, gallery, and meeting space.

The Lai Yard is a testament to the power of design to transform spaces and experiences. It is a symbol of the journey from the traditional to the contemporary, a space that is both a reflection of the past and a vision of the future. The building, which was awarded the Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2017, is a testament to the power of design to transform spaces and experiences. It is a symbol of the journey from the traditional to the contemporary, a space that is both a reflection of the past and a vision of the future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jaco Pan
Image Credits: Image #01-10: authorized from Minggu Design.
Project Team Members: Jaco.Pan
Project Name: Minggu Lai Yard
Project Client: Jaco Pan

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